The project under name Stand2Pee, as a matter of fact, is the complex decision. In which to the women, wishing to cast as the man, it is given on a choice of the whole three various ways. What? Two with use of special adaptations. One "device" from plastic also is reusable.
It is necessary to notice, that the adaptation under name TravelMate is prize-winner The Medical Design Excellence Awards in a nomination «Over-the-counter and self-care products». There is also such award.
Well and the third way is in detail described in the booklet and on a project site
Daniela Lengers, graduate Muenster University of Applied Sciences, has developed a corporate style for these original adaptations, as the degree project.
The project has turned out fashionable, bright, easy, quite logical and not without humour and irony. The woman rising from a semibent position, reminds the scheme of evolution of the person across Darwin.
The girl with widely placed feet and provocative position of hands… \/ Became the basic symbol of the project.
Not clear, there was that fact, whether it was possible to realise commercially this project or the project while in a working out stage.
Who knows, there can be in the future any woman cannot imagine the everyday life without such adaptation. And can, the gene engineering will introduce "fruits".