Barbie World + love

Cosmetic Cosmos

Hey everyone,
You know I love when I find a new-to-me beauty site. Cosmetic Cosmos. They are an Anti-aging skincare and makeup company and they also provide makeup services! I honestly haven't heard of it. You can shop online or at their location in Rhode Island. Sounds like a one-stop shop for all your makeup needs. If they had a location here, I would go check it out. Maybe one of you in Rhode Island can stop by and report back! I have been searching the site. The prices look reasonable, and they have a wide range of products. I would really like to try the brushes and this-

Almond Skin Polisher. It's only $13.50. That's a great price! I really know the importance of a good exfoliate, and I am always trying new ones. This would be great for so many of you that tell me of your acne troubles. "Almond Skin Polisher with Papaya Enzymes Help Control Oil, Prevent Breakouts and Create Smoother, Cleaner Skin with Regular Use of this Gentle Exfoliating Scrub." They also have a variety of skin care products with some benefiting ingredients: Hyaluronic Acid Serum $34.50 I can't read how many ounces. It is a good price depending on how much Hyaluronic Acid is actually in the serum. Serums are concentrated so you don't need much. A few of their pictures are fuzzy, would be nice to be able to see them all more clearly. I will update this blog post if I can find out how much of the actual Acid is in the bottle. Don't let the word Acid scare you, it's a good thing. Sometimes these products can cause a little redness/itching if not used properly or if you haven't been taking care of your skin ahead of time, so make sure you do. It also depends on the amount of the ingredients too. I like their work on their makeup and wedding services. If you're in the area, check them out: "Operating on a budget? Save more than 50% by having your wedding party come into our Rhode Island store for a full mineral makeup set up. Multiple artists will work on your party. Hair and spa services are also available." Sign me up for a spa service!!! They also have products for men: Why are men so stubborn about skin care?!?! Maybe if I get some of these products, he would use them!! Shipping is a lot faster than most: "Most items should be at your door within 2-4 business days " Most sites it takes that long for your items to even be sent. You can pay an additional fee for even faster shipping. Here's how you can find out more about this company. Make sure you keep up with them for new products or if they offer sales: * I want this red lipstick that's on their twitter!!! Tell them Kerrie from Gorgeous-Glamour sent you! Have you heard of this Anti aging skincare and makeup Company before? let me know at Have a fantastic day; I am off to see what else I like on the site.... Kerrie