Barbie World + love

The merry year is born. [Hartley Coleridge]

Thirteen has always been a favorite number of mine.

I was born on October 13. I turned 13 on Friday the 13th. I know sometimes people think it's a creepy number, but that just makes me like it even more -- it's a misfit.

So 2013 has arrived, and I'm so excited for the start of a fresh new year.

Just like opening up a blank journal, this is a day that feels infinite with possibility. Anything could happen over the next twelve months. It's another chapter in our life books, written by both choice and circumstance -- but our intentions and actions play a big part in how things turn out.

Rather than setting a bunch of resolutions I try to follow all at once, I'm sort of borrowing from Gretchen Rubin's Happiness Project and picking a different focus for each month (plus one overarching resolution for the year). The actions I take should build on one another, so the arrival of each new month adds another focus but doesn't erase progress I've made in other areas. They're all important things, and the support of each focus is aimed at making life better. Not easier, necessarily, but more fulfilling.

I'll go into more detail at the beginning of each month, but here is the outline...

January -- Home
Getting things in order for baby; doing small daily tasks to eliminate clutter
February -- Money
Making smart, frugal choices
March -- Mothering
Giving our baby the very best start possible; becoming a family of three (five!)
April -- Physical Health
Taking care of myself; losing weight/getting into good shape
May -- Marriage
Celebrating our anniversary; focusing on our relationship
June -- Emotional Health
Trying not to stress; being grateful
July -- Organization/balance
Establishing a good routine; avoiding procrastination
August -- Fun
Trips to the zoo, Children's Museum, parks, maybe a vacation
September -- Food
Cooking together; trying new foods
October -- Dogs
Exercise and extra lovin'
November -- Others
Volunteer. Just do it.
December -- Family
Balancing extended family visits and our own Christmas celebrations with the wee one

Of course all these things are important year-round. Just because mothering isn't the stated focus of April, I guarantee it takes precedence over losing the baby weight. As does a happy marriage, any time of the year. Saving money will be on our minds each month, but so will fun.

Oh, and my overarching resolution for 2013 is to do everything in the spirit of love. All those monthly goals were set because they connect, in one or another, to something I love -- and remembering that, always, sounds like a pretty good path.

I think this outline gives me a framework for thoughtful focus, and provides me with the motivation to really act toward certain goals. At least, that's the idea. Let's say it's my year of living with intention.