HEY Y'ALL! This weekend I have 2 birthday parties to attend, my co-worker and my good friend Veronica. I have NO clue what I am going to wear or what I am going to do to my darn hair! I have been lazy all week, just been putting it into a ponytail. No wigs,no natural hair dos... NADA!! LOL Last week I did a twist out that I didn't like so I wore it in what I call "The Bird's Nest" lol:
My hair this week was in a pony tail :-S
You know at times I get the urge to just perm my hair and say fugetaboutit! I then look at the natural sistas and remember what my goal is :-) I need to do a length check and cut, so I will more than likely be wearing my natural hair straight. Speaking of hair, look what I picked up for $12.99.....GIOVANNI TEA TREE TRIPLE THREAT shampoo,conditioner AND leave-in!!
I got it at T.J.Maxx and I could not believe my eyes when I saw the price!! I grabbed the box like somebody was going to realize hey priced it wrong and take it from me lol. Those of you that are Giovanni Stans KNOW that one bottle alone can run you $7-$9 depending on where you purchase. I've used Smooth As Silk but never Triple threat so i am super anxious to wash my hair :-) Well off to find me an outfit for the b-day parties (will post pix later) TTYL... DEBZ