Barbie World + glam

Starting again!

Hey everyone and welcome back to my beauty blog! This year has been not what I have expected. I haven't had time to get my business off the ground like I wanted too. Oh well, here I am again. New website, new blog. Let me know what you think. It is also very hard to get it off the ground while working full time, which will be changing soon. My ultimate goal is to have my makeup business going consistently and to be a full time beauty blogger... but until I get enough followers where companies will pay to advertise on my site, then my dream won't happen. I'm really going to try and put the effort I need into this. Help me out by letting me know what you think! Check out the q & a section on this site, I think that could be fun!!! Look for some beauty how-to blogs, coming soon (yes, actually soon!). Please help me spread the word about my business and blog. I would REALLY appreciate it!
Feel free to send me any beauty questions I can answer or anything you would like to see me blog about,
Jane Storm