Barbie World [Search results for like]
Mystery Meat.
What-is-the-Point Wednesday
Time Burton’s Epic-Looking Version of Alice In Wonderland
Lovely Beauty Box-August
On Being DINKs and Pennypinchers
Five Favourite Films With Tim Burton
Bunny: Up to Speed, Down to Scale.
I Feel the Good Game!
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. [Howard Zinn]
New Elf items!
A Cardio Room, or Pool, of One's Own.
Carrie Cooks: Recipe #1
OH for the love of makeup.....
My Natural Hair Attracts More White Men Then Anything Other Race....
The Land of Nothing-To-Do.
The Semantics of the Season
On Being a Total Nerd.
Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. [Emily Brontë]
Hair and There and Everywhere
Guest post by Krista Clement- Empowering the different