Barbie World [Search results for smart]
The beauty is appreciated expensively
The Decider.
Wordy Wednesday: Politics, with a Side of Pregnancy.
Miss(ing) Manners
Barbie became the programmer
The merry year is born. [Hartley Coleridge]
I guess they needed it more than me....
Barbie and Ken: Anniversary Photosession
Saturday Brain Dump
Web Snob Roundup April 9th, 2010
Barbie «the Star of Milan»
Lounge Kitties Online Exclusive Barbie
Friday Favorites.
Makeup for a cause....
Things do not change; we change. [Henry David Thoreau]
Kerrie's Anti-Aging tips!!
"As Light as Air."
Feeling Freedom.
There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort. [Jane Austen]