Barbie World [Search results for outfit]
Brick after brick, all my life is under construction
A bit of advice
Can a bag make the look? A Peekaboo definitely can!
Everything always starts with an idea
With you guys I always fly, thanks!
Vogue Fashion's Night Out
Outfit Inspiration: Saturday Night w/The Girlies
If you don't open that gate, you never know what's beyond it
Is A Bit Of Fashion in Saint Tropez? No, I'm closer to home
Celebrity Inspired: Miko of Miss Jessie's
Blogger Inspired: Jeimy
Finally, it's Christmas time also on my blog!
That little red dot is a promise
It's time to do a balance of the year
Wind and branches won't prevent me from looking far away
If you come, you recognize me. I’ll be the girl with the fuchsia coat
Sandwiches, cupcakes and champagne: the perfect menu for a bad cook like me
We meet many tracks but only one is parallel to our
Lime green in a sunny day